
Books | 13 of 14

Book Reviews and a reader log

Sharp Objects

Disturbing story. Disturbing characters. This book will make you feel uncomfortable, that's what Gillian Flynn does best!

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Project Hail Mary

This book is half science experiments, half wacky buddy comedy — and it just works so well! That nerdy glee I felt on every page of The Martian is back full force.

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Thirteen Reasons Why

Clay's crush is dead. Suicide. A couple of weeks later, he gets a box of tapes recorded by her, her suicide note, listing 13 reasons why she did take her own life. He is one of those 13...

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The Last Wish

A simple way of putting it... a collection of tales about a man hunting monsters for money. But then, this book (and in fact, the whole series) is so much more...

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Deadly forces are battling for control of the lunar colony, and the only person in a position to save it is a part time porter/smuggler...

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The Maze Runner

Another young-adult dystopian science fiction, in the mould of The Hunger Games

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The Fault in our Stars

A romance involving a young girl and boy, both in remission from cancer, told from the perspective of the girl Hazel

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Young adult dystopian book which leaves the reader horrified and in a strange situation of not wanting to read anymore while wanting to finish the book...

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Another needless, tiresome and convoluted spin on Arthurian legend. On a positive note, the book had some lovely illustrations by the always excellent Frank Miller

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Last Argument of Kings

Final installment of the "First Law" trilogy. A worthy finale which highlights all the shades of grey...

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Before They Are Hanged

Sequel to "The Blade Itself", there are three POVs again; a road trip led by a Wizard, a colonel struggling against a huge foe and an inquisitor fighting traitors and conspirators

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The Blade Itself

Dark and gritty grimdark fantasy novel that doesn't rely on typical fantasy clichés

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